Go therefore and make disciples of all nations
Matthew 28:19
At Baptist Home Church, we are deeply committed to living out the call to serve others and share the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Rooted in the Great Commission, we believe that every believer is entrusted with the mission of bringing hope, love, and truth to the world around us. Whether in our local community or across the globe, our passion is to be the hands and feet of Christ, meeting both spiritual and physical needs. Through acts of service and the proclamation of God’s Word, we aim to reflect His grace and make His name known to all people.

Dottie Shealy Missions Fund
In Loving Memory of Dottie Shealy
A perpetual missions fund was established to honor Dottie’s memory and to ensure and support ongoing Baptist Home Church mission involvement.

Living out the Great Commission
From serving local communities to reaching across continents, our mission teams have been the hands and feet of Jesus, sharing His love and the good news wherever they go. We celebrate these journeys as a testament to God’s faithfulness and the power of His people united in purpose. Together, we are making an eternal impact, one trip at a time

Armenia and Turkey
On this mission trip, our team combined gospel outreach with disaster relief to bring spiritual hope and practical aid to those in need. While sharing the message of Christ’s love, we helped distribute essential supplies to families recovering from the devastation. These moments of service not only met immediate needs but also planted seeds of faith and resilience in the hearts of the community.
Mombasa and Nairobi
During our mission in Mombasa and Nairobi, we shared the love of Christ through gospel outreach and meaningful acts of service. From connecting with local communities to providing resources and support, we witnessed God’s work in powerful ways. Lives were touched, faith was strengthened, and hope was renewed as we partnered with these vibrant cities to bring lasting impact.